Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Diary of a loft conversion ~ day 14

More plaster pics, hopefully finished by weekend, let the finishing touches begin
Fran x

Sunday, May 20, 2012

After having my phone over a year

I habe found out the camera can do lots of cool things including action shots and vintage. Woohooo off to play some more.
Fran x x

Diary of a loft conversion ~ day 12

Let the plastering begin

Fran xx

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Diary of a loft conversion ~ day 9

Coming together, sparky in fixing lights and sockets, not long now. Plasterer next stage.
Fran x

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Diary of a loft conversion ~ day 8

Well thats the back wall strapped and ready for the gyprock. Then we need the electrician to feed the cables for the sockets. Once this is done we will get the plasterer in, then I think we will be good to go ahead with carpets. Exciting stuff

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Diary of a loft conversion ~ day 6

Well its day six in terms of the days they have been on site. And they are doing great, wont be long until we are finished, the next stage is to give notice on our current rented property. A piece of me will be sad to leave, all my boys grew up here and most of all I learned how to be a mum here. All the ups and downs are worth it when I look at all of my boys and how different they are and handsome they have become
I am moving back "home", not the home I grew up in, but the home dad now lives in.

Bricks and mortar build a house, love builds a home.

Fran x

Diary of a loft conversion ~ day 5

Things are moving on great shouldn.t be long now.

Fran x

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cross stitch clearout (part trois)

Last lot

Fran x

Cross stitch clearout (part deux)

More pics

Cross stitch clearout (decluttering)

I have a box of cross stitch books, some older than others. These are destined for the car boot, but I thought it was worth putting them on here first.

Have taken pics , rather than write them all out. If you see anything that interests you let me know and we can work something out.

Fran x