Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What to do with kids in the Easter holiday

when it's raining go to the cinema. Now when Kyle was a little younger this wasn't easy , he would get bored really quickly. So we decided he was a little older so he should be fine. Now what to see , Nanny McPhee or How to train your dragon.

So of we went to The Vue cinema in Hamilton, only to find out that they were showing How to train your dragon in 3D. The boys had never seen a 3D film so we decided to go to see this


From the minute you put the specs on it was awesomw, you jumped when things flew out the screen , you amazed at the detail of seeing each blade of grass and most importantly , I loved that Kyle held my hand for most the film so I could protect him from the falling ash or flying dragons. He sat the whole time , result !